Leading High-Worth Birmingham Divorce Attorney
For some families going through a divorce, the division of marital property is relatively straightforward. For others, it is a far more complicated endeavor. The more assets a couple owns, the more difficult it can be to divide them. Without an experienced divorce lawyer by your side, it is easy to make a mess of things moving forward. At Shaw Family Law, we've been helping Birmingham couples through complex property settlements for more than thirty years.
Equitable Division of Marital Assets:
- Brokerage accounts
- Deferred compensation plans
- Family businesses
- Professional licenses
- Real estate or rental property
- Retirement plans
- Stock options
Maximizing Your Financial Security Post-Divorce
Many assets cannot be adequately divided according to their current dollar value. Others cannot be easily liquidated, or may result in significant tax obligations should they be sold. All this must be taken into account when devising a plan for the division of marital property. That's why the Birmingham divorce attorney at Shaw Family Law works in concert with other legal professionals. By leaning on the expertise of the accountants and financial planners we partner with, we're able to get a better sense of what our client's assets are worth, and how they should be divided.

"During my 30 years in the practice of Family Law, I have seen it all. The diversity of my clients and their particular circumstances has given me a broad exposure to the various circumstances and events that ultimately bring a person to a divorce lawyer. My clients are beneficiaries of those years of experience, and the expertise I have gained along the way."
- Paul Shaw

Paving a Foundation For Future Stability
The Birmingham divorce attorneys at Shaw Family Lawyers have never viewed success as a dollar sign. For us, the most successful cases are those that result in financial stability for our client's family while laying a foundation for amicable relations in the future. We understand how difficult and painful the divorce process can be. We want to see you through to the other side as quickly and compassionately as we possibly can.
If there is a way to reach a satisfactory resolution without having to go to court, that will be our first objective. If that is impossible, our lawyers can aggressively defend your interests in the courtroom.
To learn more about Shaw Family Lawyers, call our Birmingham offices today at (205) 259-7650 for a case review.